Bilgiler > Poloncada sık kullanılan cümleler
Poloncada sık kullanılan cümleler
Dzien dobry. -> Cjen do-bri. (Good morning/day.)
Dziekuje. -> Jen-kuye. (Thank you.)
Prosze. -> Pro-she. (Please/Here you go.)
Przepraszam. -> Pje-pra-sham. (I'm sorry/Excuse me.)
Jak sie masz? -> Yak shiye mash? (How are you?)
Milo mi cie poznac. -> Miwo mi che pozhnach. (Nice to meet you.)
Ile to kosztuje? -> İle to kosh-tuy-e? (How much does it cost?)
Gdzie jest toaleta? -> Gdje yest to-a-le-ta? (Where is the toilet?)
Jestem glodny/glodna. -> Yes-tem gwod-nı/gwod-na. (I am hungry.)
Nie rozumiem. -> Nyeh ro-zoom-yem. (I don't understand.)